30 Years of Art & Culture in Italy and abroad
Brown Effervescence

Brown Effervescence

From 19 December 2015 to 15 February 2016
VIII Edition of Project Room
curated by Dores Sacquegna

Exhibition offline  Catalog here

Continues the virtual experiment on 3D developed by Primo PianoLivinGallery | Interdisciplinary Projects & Facilities for Contemporary Art of Lecce (Italy) with the virtual 3D platform and real-time gallery that hosts monthly one color in the spectrum. and curated by Dores Sacquegna. This eighth edition of the Project Room, pays homage to the BROWN color and titled “BROWN EFFERVESCENCE: Land’s colours”; it is explores the expressive meaning of the brown color and its infinite nuances. From 19 December 2015 to 31 January 2016, followers and collectors around the world can visit the online gallery 24 / 24h non-stop until the end of the event. The simulation of the works on display, hosted on the walls of gallery, allow a real vision of architectural space that houses them. The visitor or better the navigator can explore spaces with his mouse and interact with the works and painting, photography and media mix of young talent and international artists. It’s a preparatory function allows easy enjoyment of works of art both by adults than boys. Into the virtual gallery you can see each work when you click on it. You can zoom in, see the name of the artist and his origin, the title of the work, the technique used, and even pricing. This method shortens the distance between the the physical gallery and online world, creating connections and dialogue between cultures.

Obtained by the combination of red and yellow and blue, the brown color is a symbol of satisfaction at the physical level. The brown expresses emotion and sensuality, but also, balance, good health and need to sensual satisfactions. It is the color of the earth, the trunks of trees, security, love for one’s origins, prudence, patience and tenacity.

The protagonists of this edition are n.20 national and international artists, by different generation, background and concept executive. On nature and landscape the works by Sarah GIRNER, Doug BAIRD, D&S, Giovanni LAMORGESE, Pina DELLA ROSSA and Silvia SPEDICATO. The dimensional shift between the physical and sensory world is linked by works by Monique RIELLO LAUGIER, Caterina ANNOVAZZI, Cor FAFIANI, Nathan BRUSOVANI, Oscar GILLESPIE, Ricardo VILLAGRAN, Lara ANDROVANDI, Glenn MOUST, Lale ALTINKURT. About urban world and pictorial and metaphysical contrasts the works by Andria SANTARELLI, Eugenio ALAZIO, Shilpa JOGLEKAR, Stefan HAVADI-NAGY. About portraits the works by Kamalky LAUREANO