30 Years of Art & Culture in Italy and abroad

A fertile city



Curated by Dores & Rose Sacquegna

In this context arises the project curated by Dores & Rose Sacquegna from Primo Piano LivinGallery in Lecce, Italy, with the proposal “A fertile city or the riddle of Sphinx” divided into three different sessions (GREEK WAVES, LANDGRAPHIE, CRYPTOGRAPHIE) on the myth , the identity and the utopia, with the participation of very well-known international artists and Greek directors.

GREEK WAVES  is a film review set up in Greece by Greek directors. The thread that unites these presences on display is MYTH, the sociological and cultural force that has manifested itself in an unprecedented way in Greece; the cradle of the world. On display the movie by Theo Angeloupolos, Stathis Athanasiou, Anastasia Christoforidou, Ifigenia Dimitriou, Dimitris Kollatos, Nikos Kornilios, Panayotis Kravvaris, Maria Lafi, Thanasis Neofotistos, Eirini Steirou & Eliza Alexandropoulou, Thanasis Tsimpinis, George Tsirogiannis.

The thread that unites these presences on display for LANDGRAPHIE is the LANDSCAPE with seven video-documentary by very well know artists of the LAND ART and environmental art that operate with large temporary installations in the landscape such as: Grimanesa Amoros (Usa), Ulrike Arnold (Germany), Richard Ashrowan (Scotland), Gilles Bruni (France), Christo & Jeanne-Claude (Usa),  Andrea Juan (Argentina),  Pam Longobardi (Usa).

The session CRYPTOGRAPHIE consists of works of VISUAL ART ( painting, digital art, photography, collage, video-installation, installation, live performance) and investigates the urban and hybrid landscapes between MYTH, IDENTITY and UTOPIA with following artists from Italy: Pina Della Rossa, Gino Fossali, Maria Luisa Imperiali, Giovanni Lamorgese, Marta Mancini, Vito Sardano, Antonella Zito and Dores Sacquegna (also curator), and foreign artists Xavi De Juan-Creix (Spain), Cor Fafiani (Holland), Marthe Keller (Usa).

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